GET Maintenance in the Texas Heat: Best Practices for Longevity

The scorching Texas heat poses unique challenges for construction equipment, especially ground engaging tools (GET). Maintaining the longevity and efficiency of these tools requires careful attention, proactive measures, and adherence to best practices.

ground engaging tools for heavy machinery
  1. Regular Inspections in the Shade:
    • Conduct routine inspections of your ground engaging tools in a shaded area to avoid the heat. High temperatures can make the metal components hot to the touch, potentially leading to burns or discomfort. A shaded inspection area allows for a more thorough examination.
  2. Keep GET Components Clean:
    • Texas dust and dirt can accumulate quickly on ground engaging tools, impacting their performance. Regularly clean buckets, teeth, and adapters to prevent buildup, ensuring proper functionality. Use a high-pressure water hose or appropriate cleaning solutions to remove debris.
  3. Lubricate Moving Parts:
    • Lubrication is crucial for the moving parts of ground engaging tools, especially in the Texas heat. Apply lubricants to pivot points, joints, and moving components to reduce friction, prevent wear, and maintain smooth operation. Choose lubricants suitable for high-temperature environments.
  4. Inspect for Wear and Tear:
    • Texas terrain, which often includes abrasive soils and rocks, can accelerate wear on ground engaging tools. Regularly inspect components for signs of wear, such as worn edges or cracked teeth. Replace worn parts promptly to prevent further damage and ensure optimal performance.
  5. Store Tools Properly:
    • When equipment is not in use, store ground engaging tools in a cool, dry place to protect them from the harsh Texas elements. Consider using covers to shield tools from direct sunlight, reducing the impact of UV rays and heat on their structural integrity.
  6. Monitor Temperature Extremes:
    • Extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, can affect the metallurgical properties of ground engaging tools. Monitor temperature extremes and adjust maintenance schedules accordingly. In extreme heat, more frequent inspections and lubrication may be necessary.
  7. Check for Corrosion:
    • The Texas climate, with its humidity and occasional exposure to moisture, can contribute to corrosion. Regularly check for signs of rust or corrosion on ground engaging tools and address them promptly. Applying rust inhibitors can help prevent corrosion in humid conditions.
  8. Invest in Heat-Resistant Coatings:
    • Consider applying heat-resistant coatings to ground engaging tools, especially those exposed to high temperatures during operation. These coatings can provide an extra layer of protection against heat-related wear and extend the lifespan of the tools.
  9. Schedule Routine Maintenance:
    • Develop a routine maintenance schedule for your ground engaging tools, considering the specific challenges posed by the Texas climate. Regular maintenance not only ensures longevity but also reduces the risk of unexpected failures during critical construction tasks.

Maintaining ground engaging tools in the Texas heat requires a proactive and strategic approach. By incorporating these best practices into your maintenance routine, you can maximize the longevity and performance of your GET, ensuring that they withstand the challenges of the harsh Texas climate. Texas Contractors Equipment is committed to supporting contractors with top-quality tools and the knowledge needed to keep them operating at their best. Equip yourself with the right practices, and tackle Texas projects with confidence.

Contact Texas Contractors Equipment at 713.776.1212 today or visit us online for more information on how we can provide ground engaging tools/attachments for you!


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